TCL/javascript/php stuff

tcl code, javascript code, php code, documentation tools,

Monday, March 28, 2005

version mar 28 2005

new in this version:
+font size changeable
+eps support
+delete items
-removed the colors, to make the code clearer
+added the "ts" button for easy access
+real size

#felipevaldez@@ ggmail.ccommmm

#todo: convertir colores a 0,0,0 de rgb OK, tamanyo fuenteOK
#todo: text alignOK text changeOK saveOK load font-changeOk
#set f [open /home/keith/.profile]
#while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
# puts [string length $line]
#close $f

set maxscale 250

set version ""

set page_wmax 612
set page_hmax 792

set mainfont {fixedsys 10}
set mainbg "black"
set maincolor "blue"

set n 0 ;#element number
set xx 20
set yy 20
set ww 400
set hh 300
set items [list ] ;#xml
set items2 [list ] ;#html
set items3 [list ] ;#php
set cli 0 ;#current List Item (n)
set cf "Courier" ;#current font
set txt "Data Here" ;#current data text
set align1 "left" ;#current data text alignemnt
set x "20" ;#left
set y "20"
set w "400"
set h "400"
set textcolor "#000000"
set bgcolor "#ffffff"
set bordercolor "#000080"
set border 1
set fontsize 12 ;#default font todo change.
set cn ".g.main.up.d" ;#canvas name

proc status2 {txt} {
.g.all.status configure -text $txt

proc save_eps {} {
global cn
$cn postscript -file "./mine.eps"

proc get_decimal {hex} {
set a1 [string index $hex 0]
set a2 [string index $hex 0]

set hexa [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f]
for {set h 0} {$h < [llength $hexa]} {incr h} {
if {$a1 == [lindex $hexa $h]} {set a11 $h}
if {$a2 == [lindex $hexa $h]} {set a22 $h}

set a3 [expr (($a11*16.0)+$a22)/255.0 ]
return $a3
proc fix_color {color} {

#remove the # char
set c [string range $color 1 end]
set red [string range $c 0 1]
set green [string range $c 2 3]
set blue [string range $c 4 5]

set red [get_decimal $red]
set green [get_decimal $green]
set blue [get_decimal $blue]
return "$red,$green,$blue"

proc del_all {} {
#resets the image.
global n items items2 items3 cn
set items [list ]
set items2 [list ]
set items3 [list ]
for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i 1} {
$cn delete "tx$i"
$cn delete "el$i"
.g.all.f23.f7.list delete 0 end
.g.all.f23.f7.list insert 0 "0"


proc del_item {i} {
#deletes an specified item,
global n items items2 items3 cn
status2 " del $i : "
if {$i < $n} {
#[join $items]
set items [lreplace $items $i $i ""]
set items2 [lreplace $items2 $i $i ""]
set items3 [lreplace $items3 $i $i ""]
$cn delete "tx$i"
$cn delete "tx$i"
$cn delete "el$i"

for {set r 0} {$r < [.g.all.f23.f7.list index end]} {incr r} {
if {$i == [.g.all.f23.f7.list get $r]} {
.g.all.f23.f7.list delete $r
} else {
status2 " cant delete:$i "


proc change_align {x y} {
global align1
set align1 [.g.all.f23.f2.list get @$x,$y]
status2 "Align set to: $align1"
#.g.all.f2.list delete 0 end
#.g.all.f2.list insert end "op"
proc change_item {x y} {
global cli
set cli [.g.all.f23.f7.list get @$x,$y]
status2 "item is now: $cli"
proc change_font_size {x y} {
global fontsize
set fontsize [.g.all.f23.f8.list get @$x,$y]
status2 "font size changed to: $fontsize"

proc change_font_family {x y} {
global cf
set cf [.g.all.f23.f9.list get @$x,$y]
status2 "font changed to: $cf"

proc setcolor {op} {
global textcolor bgcolor bordercolor
if {$op=="text"} {
set textcolor1 [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $textcolor -parent . -title "Select Text Color..."]
if {$textcolor1 != ""} {set textcolor $textcolor1}
.g.all.c1.btn1 configure -text "tx $textcolor"
.g.all.c1.btn1 configure -background $textcolor
} elseif {$op=="bgcolor"} {
set bgcolor1 [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $bgcolor -parent . -title "Select Background Color..."]
if {$bgcolor1 != ""} {set bgcolor $bgcolor1}
.g.all.c1.btn2 configure -text "bg $bgcolor"
.g.all.c1.btn2 configure -background $bgcolor
} elseif {$op=="border"} {
set bordercolor1 [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $bordercolor -parent . -title "Select Border Color..."]
if {$bordercolor1 != ""} {set bordercolor $bordercolor1}
.g.all.c1.btn3 configure -text "bd $bordercolor"
.g.all.c1.btn3 configure -background $bordercolor

proc open_file {} {
set file [tk_getOpenFile -parent .]
#file data
status2 "opening $file"
proc save_file {mode} {
global items items2 items3 n
set file [tk_getSaveFile -parent .]
if {$file != ""} {
#file data
if {$mode == "xml"} {
set res [regexp ".*\.xml$" $file]
if {$res == 1} {
##wm title . "yes"
} else {
##wm title . "no"
set file "$file.xml"
set f [open $file "w+"]

puts $f "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<pdfdoc>"
foreach el $items {
puts $f $el
puts $f "\n</pdfdoc>"

if {$mode == "html"} {
set res [regexp ".*\.html$" $file]
set res2 [regexp ".*\.htm$" $file]
if {$res == 1 || $res2 == 1} {
##wm title . "yes"
} else {
##wm title . "no"
set file "$file.html"

set f [open $file "w+"]

puts $f "<html><head><title>no title</title></head><body>"
foreach el $items2 {
puts $f $el
puts $f "\n</body></html>"

if {$mode == "php"} {
set res [regexp ".*\.php$" $file]
set res2 [regexp ".*\.inc$" $file]
if {$res == 1 || $res2 == 1} {
##wm title . "yes"
} else {
##wm title . "no"
set file "$file.php"

set f [open $file "w+"]

puts $f "<?php\n\ninclude(\"pclib34.php\");\n//stuff."
foreach el $items3 {
puts $f $el
puts $f "\n\n?>"

close $f
status2 "saved $n elements to $file in mode:$mode"
} else {
status2 "no file selected."

proc ts {} {
#add an item.
global x y w h n cf items items2 items3 bordercolor textcolor bgcolor align1 fontsize page_hmax
update2 ;#just in case, just in time.
set txt [.g.all.f3.text get 0.0 end]
#fix colors for compilance with the pdf standards.
set bc2 [fix_color $bordercolor]
set tx2 [fix_color $textcolor]
set bg2 [fix_color $bgcolor]

set y2 [expr $page_hmax-$y]

lappend items "\n<item>\n\t<type>text</type>\n\t<id>$n</id>\n\t<x>$x</x>\n\t<y>$y2</y>\n\t<w>$w</w>\n\t<h>$h</h>\n\t<family>$cf</family>\n\t<bordercolor>$bc2</bordercolor>\n\t<color>$tx2</color>\n\t<bgcolor>$bg2</bgcolor>\n\t<format>$txt</format>\n\t<align>$align1</align>\n\t<fontsize>$fontsize</fontsize>\n</item>";
lappend items2 "\n<div id=a$n style='position:absolute;left:$x;top:$y;width:$w;height:$h;font-family:$cf;font-size:$fontsize;text-size:$fontsize;border:1px solid $bordercolor;color:$textcolor;background-color:$bgcolor;text-align:$align1'> $txt</div>";
lappend items3 " \n//php$n"

incr n 1

.g.all.f23.f7.list insert end "$n" ;#add to select list

status2 "created element $n"
#x:$x y:$y w:$w h:$h cf:$cf"
#set respuesta [tk_messageBox -message "Desea abandonar la aplicacion?" -type yesno -title Pregunta -icon question ]


#scale stuff: if u want "real" sized data: uncomment line 2 anc comment line 1
proc sc {s} {
#return [expr $s/2]
return $s
#special scale for zooming effect
proc sc2 {s} {

return [expr $s/2]
#return $s

proc dis_check {} {
#global x y w h page_wmax page_hmax
#if {$w+$x >= $page_wmax } {
# set w [expr $page_wmax-$x];
# set ww [expr $page_wmax-$x]
#if {$h+$y >= $page_hmax } {
# set h [expr $page_hmax-$y]
# set hh [expr $page_hmax-$y]
# wm title . "beyond"
#} set $w set $h
#.g.all.a3.txtw configure -text $w
#.g.all.a4.txth configure -text $h

proc pagex { w1 } {

global x;
set x $w1;
proc pagey { h } {
global y;set y $h;
proc pagew { w1 } {
global w x ww page_wmax;
set w $w1;

proc pageh { h1 } {
global h y page_hmax
set h $h1;

proc gw {a b} {
#gets the width [deprecated]
if {$b > $a} {
return [expr $b-$a];
return [expr $a-$b];

proc update2 {} { ;#make
global x y w h cf n textcolor bgcolor bordercolor border txt align1 fontsize cn
set txt [.g.all.f3.text get 0.0 end]
$cn delete "el$n"
$cn delete "tx$n"
$cn create rectangle [sc $x] [sc $y] [sc [expr $x+$w ]] [sc [expr $y+$h]] -fill $bgcolor -tag "el$n" -outline $bordercolor

if {$align1=="left"} {
set s2 "nw"
set s3 "left"
set x1 $x
} elseif {$align1=="center"} {
set s2 "n"
set s3 "center"
set x1 [expr $x+$w/2]
#set x1 $x

} elseif {$align1=="right"} {
set x1 [expr $x+$w]
set s2 "ne"
set s3 "right"

$cn create text [sc $x1] [sc $y] -tag "tx$n" \
-text "$txt" -font [list $cf $fontsize] -fill $textcolor \
-width [sc $w] -anchor $s2 -justify $s3

#$cn create oval 10 10 80 80 -fill red -width 4 -tag ovalo
#$cn create line 200 10 200 80 300 80 300 10 350 10 -arrow last -tag linea
#$cn create text 350 50 -text "Tcl/Tk 8.0" -tag texto
proc st23 {} {
global xx x
set xx 40;
set x 40;
proc exit1 {} {



frame .g
frame .g.all -borderwidth 2
frame .g.all.a1 -borderwidth 2
frame .g.all.a2 -borderwidth 2
frame .g.all.a3 -borderwidth 2
frame .g.all.a4 -borderwidth 2

frame .g.all.c1 -borderwidth 2
#frame .g.all.c2 -borderwidth 2
#frame .g.all.c3 -borderwidth 2

frame .g.all.f3 -width 100 -height 40

frame .g.main
frame .g.main.up

frame .g.all.f23
frame .g.all.f23.f2
frame .g.all.f23.f7
frame .g.all.f23.f8
frame .g.all.f23.f9

frame .mBar

#text entry
entry .g.all.a1.txtx -textvariable xx -width 4
entry .g.all.a2.txty -textvariable yy -width 4
entry .g.all.a3.txtw -textvariable ww -width 4
entry .g.all.a4.txth -textvariable hh -width 4


scale .g.all.a1.px -from 0 -to $page_wmax -length $maxscale -variable xx -orient horizontal -command pagex -showvalue 0
scale -from 0 -to $page_hmax -length $maxscale -variable yy -orient horizontal -command pagey -showvalue 0
scale -from 0 -to $page_wmax -length $maxscale -variable ww -orient horizontal -command pagew -showvalue 0
scale -from 0 -to $page_hmax -length $maxscale -variable hh -orient horizontal -command pageh -showvalue 0

#color buttons

button .g.all.c1.btn1 -text "tx $textcolor" -command {setcolor text} -background $textcolor -foreground "white"
button .g.all.c1.btn2 -text "bg $bgcolor" -command {setcolor bgcolor} -background $bgcolor -foreground "white"
button .g.all.c1.btn3 -text "bd $bordercolor" -command {setcolor border} -background $bordercolor -foreground "white"

#function buttons

button .g.all.c1.btn4 -text "Add" -command {ts}
button .g.all.c1.btn5 -text "Delete" -command {del_item $cli}

#button -text "make0" -command {ts} -background $mainbg -foreground $maincolor -font $mainfont
#button .g.all.mk1 -text "make1" -command {st23} -background $mainbg -foreground $maincolor -font $mainfont
#button .g.all.mk2 -text "save" -command {save_file} -background $mainbg -foreground $maincolor -font $mainfont
#button .g.all.mk3 -text "open" -command {open_file} -background $mainbg -foreground $maincolor -font $mainfont

#set scc [list "0" "0" $page_hmax $page_wmax]
set scc [list "0" "0" [sc $page_wmax] [sc $page_hmax]]

canvas $cn -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -background white -width [sc2 $page_wmax] -height [sc2 $page_hmax] -scrollregion $scc -xscrollcommand ".g.main.hscroll set" -yscrollcommand ".g.main.up.vscroll set"

scrollbar .g.main.up.vscroll -command "$cn yview"
scrollbar .g.main.hscroll -orient horiz -command "$cn xview"

#list boxes:align

listbox .g.all.f23.f2.list -width 10 -height 3
#scrollbar .g.all.f2.scroll -command ".g.all.f2.list yview" -background $mainbg

.g.all.f23.f2.list insert 0 "left"
.g.all.f23.f2.list insert 0 "right"
.g.all.f23.f2.list insert 0 "center"

#item select
listbox .g.all.f23.f7.list -width 3 -height 3 -yscrollcommand ".g.all.f23.f7.scroll set"
scrollbar .g.all.f23.f7.scroll -command ".g.all.f23.f7.list yview"
.g.all.f23.f7.list insert 0 "0"

listbox .g.all.f23.f8.list -width 3 -height 3 -yscrollcommand ".g.all.f23.f8.scroll set"
scrollbar .g.all.f23.f8.scroll -command ".g.all.f23.f8.list yview"

.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "8"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "9"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "10"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "11"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "12"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "14"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "16"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "18"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "20"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "24"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "32"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "48"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "72"
.g.all.f23.f8.list insert end "144"

listbox .g.all.f23.f9.list -width 15 -height 3 -yscrollcommand ".g.all.f23.f9.scroll set"
scrollbar .g.all.f23.f9.scroll -command ".g.all.f23.f9.list yview"

.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "Courier"
.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "Helvetica"
#.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "a0100131"
.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "Symbol"
.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "Times-Roman"
#.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "Times New Roman"
.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "ZapfDingbats"

.g.all.f23.f9.list insert end "Courier"

entry .g.all.f -textvariable cf
label .g.all.status -text "Ready..."
#document text
text .g.all.f3.text -width 20 -relief sunken \
-bd 2 -yscrollcommand ".g.all.f3.scroll set" -setgrid 1 -height 12 -wrap none

.g.all.f3.text insert 0.0 "$txt"

scrollbar .g.all.f3.scroll -command ".g.all.f3.text yview"
##-background $mainbg -highlightcolor "red" -highlightbackground "blue"
# menu

menubutton .mBar.file -text File -underline 0 -menu .mBar.file.m
menu .mBar.file.m
#.mBar.file.m add cascade -label "Options" -underline 0 -accelerator => -menu .mBar.file.m.apps
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Add" -underline 0 -command {ts}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Defaults" -underline 0 -command {st23}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Open" -underline 0 -command {open_file}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Save XML" -underline 0 -command {save_file xml}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Save HTML" -underline 0 -command {save_file html}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Save PHP" -underline 0 -command {save_file php}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Delete All" -underline 0 -command {del_all}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Save PostScript" -underline 0 -command {save_eps}
.mBar.file.m add command -label "Quit" -underline 0 -command {exit1}
#menu .mBar.file.m.apps
#.mBar.file.m.apps add command -label "add" -command {ts}
#.mBar.file.m.apps add command -label "del_all" -command {del_all}

proc pack_all {} {
global cn
pack .g.all.a1.px -side "right"
pack -side "right"
pack -side "right"
pack -side "right"

pack .g.all.a1.txtx -side "right"
pack .g.all.a2.txty -side "right"
pack .g.all.a3.txtw -side "right"
pack .g.all.a4.txth -side "right"

pack .g.all.c1.btn1 -side "left"
pack .g.all.c1.btn2 -side "left"
pack .g.all.c1.btn3 -side "left"
pack .g.all.c1.btn4 -side "left"
pack .g.all.c1.btn5 -side "left"

pack .g.all.a1 -fill x
pack .g.all.a2 -fill x
pack .g.all.a3 -fill x
pack .g.all.a4 -fill x
pack .g.all.c1 -fill x
pack .g.all.f -fill x

pack .g.all.f23.f2.list -fill x
#pack .g.all.f23.f2.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1 -fill x
pack .g.all.f23.f2 -side right

pack .g.all.f23.f8.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1
pack .g.all.f23.f8.list -side right
pack .g.all.f23.f8 -side right

pack .g.all.f23.f9.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1
pack .g.all.f23.f9.list -side right
pack .g.all.f23.f9 -side right

pack .g.all.f23.f7.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1
pack .g.all.f23.f7.list -side right
pack .g.all.f23.f7 -side right

pack .g.all.f23 -fill x

pack .g.all.f3.scroll -side right -fill y
pack .g.all.f3.text -fill x
#-expand yes -fill both
pack .g.all.f3 -fill x

pack .mBar.file -side left
pack .mBar -anchor nw -side top

pack .g.all.status -side bottom -anchor s -fill x
pack .g.all -side left

pack $cn -side left -expand yes -fill both
pack .g.main.up.vscroll -side right -fill y
pack .g.main.up -side top -expand yes -fill both
pack .g.main.hscroll -side bottom -fill x
pack .g.main -side right -expand yes -fill both

#pack $cn -side left

#pack .g.grid2 -side right -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1
#grid rowconfig .g.grid2 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
#grid columnconfig .g.grid2 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0

#grid $cn -in .g.grid2 -padx 1 -pady 1 -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
#grid .g.vscroll -in .g.grid2 -padx 1 -pady 1 -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
#grid .g.hscroll -in .g.grid2 -padx 1 -pady 1 -row 1 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news

#pack $cn -padx 5 -pady 5

pack .g -side top -fill x

proc bind_all {} {
bind .g.all.f23.f2.list <Double-1> "change_align %x %y"
bind .g.all.f23.f7.list <Button-1> "change_item %x %y"
bind .g.all.f23.f8.list <Double-1> "change_font_size %x %y"
bind .g.all.f23.f9.list <Double-1> "change_font_family %x %y"

bind .g.all.f3.text <KeyRelease> "update2"
bind .g.all.f <KeyRelease> "update2"
bind .g.all.a1.txtx <KeyRelease> {set x $xx;update2}
bind .g.all.a2.txty <KeyRelease> {set y $yy;update2}
bind .g.all.a3.txtw <KeyRelease> {set w $ww;update2}
bind .g.all.a4.txth <KeyRelease> {set h $hh;update2}

wm title . "pdf format editor: v$version"
#textarea: text, list:font



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